Friday, January 22, 2010

My Central Perk: Crave Cafe


Living a hop, skip, and a jump away from a great cafe is one of the benefits of my place. Crave Cafe, open 24 hours 6 days a week, is perfect for those random cravings no matter what time of day. I like to think of it as my very own Central Perk, a la Friends. If only Rachel worked behind the counter...


Whether you want a bowl of Cookie Crisp, a panini, crepe, or even frozen yogurt, their chalkboard menu has you covered. My pick for today's visit? Bread pudding with melted chocolate chips and nutella swirls, accompanied with a cafe latte.


Don't leave without taking a red velvet cookie, either. Words can't describe.


  1. looks totally yummy. a bodega nxt door is key!

    your blog is really cute!!

  2. That's definitely one thing I love about NY and Seattle that Chicago doesn't have....local neighborhood cafes. Unfortunately the closest thing I have is Starbucks - and it really isn't my first choice.

  3. everything looks fabulous! now i'm hungry, haha :p

  4. Jealous, so jealous.
    The closest place to get food is like 2 miles away from here..
    Love, Malou

  5. Red velvet cookie??? Are you kidding me? YUM!



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