Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Bringing Cubby Back

image via flickr
We were all introduced to cubbies in elementary, those little squares that we called our own. Stuffed to the brim and labeled with our name, it held all our childhood necessities like lunchboxes, nap time blankets, and Velcro tie shoes. It was a simple way to keep items in the right place, and instantly we learned about organization. It would be years before we incorporated that word into our vocabulary or even fully understood its meaning, and thank goodness for that. Ignorance is bliss.

In my own home, my entry way nook has wicker baskets for shoes and magazine files for incoming and outgoing mail. They're simple storage ideas that have helped my clutter stay where it should be. Besides, there's something nostalgic about having my own cubby... once again.

Photobucket Photobucket

Here's some other great ways storage cubbyholes can be incorporated into your own home. All courtesy of flickr.

Things in Cubbies
my tchotchke boxes. bathroom cubbies
found here, here, and here

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