Thursday, November 26, 2009

Lessons Learned: Thanksgiving Edition

Turkey Day is coming to a close and my stomach couldn't be more thankful. It most definitely cannot hold any more carbs! Drew (that would be the boyfriend) and I had our first official Thanksgiving on our own.

We got off to a rough start when we awoke to a still frozen turkey and a bit of a freak-out moment on my part. Google got a lot of searches from us as we discovered there are ways to cook frozen turkeys. Thank you God. Add that to things I'm thankful for.

After two hours of cooking in the oven, it still took all his strength to get the giblet bag out. Probably the funniest moment of the day.


Hours later we sat down to a beautiful meal and cherished our 12 pound turkey even more.


Here's to the memories we won't soon forget and the leftovers I can't wait to get into.


What are some of the memories you have of your first Thanksgiving cooking in the kitchen?

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