Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tuesday Tidbit

Need a comfy sweater? Well, look no further than your local Gap. My latest closet obsession has definitely gotten it's fare share of wear the past couple days. Yes, that's right. I gave myself permission to wear it two days in a row, which has me pondering whether it would be beneficial to get another color to hang aside my cream pick. Let the suggestions commence!

Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket
available here from the Gap @ $49.50


  1. i've been obsessed with gap basics lately. They had a similiarly cut t-shirt out during early fall and it is easily my favorite.

    This sweater is looking mighty fine too.

  2. This is definitely the perfect fall sweater. I like that fawn color.

  3. These are lovely -- I like the blue one!
    xo Josie



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