Monday, May 24, 2010

Location Scouting

Having lived in L.A for almost two years, I still get a twinge of excitement when I spot movie locations, signed photos of celebrities taped on restaurant walls or the "such and such film was shot here" announcements like the one that greeted us yesterday at Callahan's for brunch (Zodiac was the film). While it's not nearly as recognized as Katz's Deli from the infamous "When Harry Met Sally" diner scene, it got me thinking about other movies I love and the restaurant locations that added to their charm. Perhaps one day I'll be able to see how they all compare in person, but for now the magic of the movies has won out.

Cha Cha Cha from "Shopgirl"
in LA's Silver Lake area

Montmartre: Amélie's cafe
Paris' Cafe des Deux Moulins from "Amelie"

The Hitching Post from "Sideways"
in Santa Barbara County


  1. I was born and raised in L.A. the twinge of excitement never fades. Working on studio lots, breaks and lunches was able who we would spot. The Hitching Post is located in a nice quaint town, worth the drive on a lazy Sunday.

  2. It's be such a novelty to stop in at a restaurant featured in a movie. I'm heading to L.A. at the end of next month and I'm tempted to convince my boyfriend to stop at one of these!

  3. I love Amelie!

    And make sure to enter the Kelsi Dagger "Carly" sandal giveaway at my blog!

  4. I love places like this -- Cafe Lalo in New York from "You've Got Mail" is a favorite of mine.
    xxoo Josie

  5. I want to go to the Hitching Post!

  6. Oh I love Amelie! Makes me in the mood to watch it. :)

  7. I would get excited too. That's just the perpetual child that I am. No shame.

  8. I do this all the time!!! You should scope out where 500 Days of Summer was filmed. Totally fooled me into being LA



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