Monday, March 1, 2010

In A New York Minute

Yesterday was a New York Times kind of day. Soon after perusing their Style Magazine in the Sunday paper, I caught up with Bill Cunningham's series On the Street, online. With his light-hearted humor and that infamous New York accent, the trend spotting and street snapshots he captures have a boat load of charm (more than you'd expect from a man in his 80's).

(image by Paul O’Valle via fashionindie)

My only wish is to be as cool as him one day.


  1. Forget wanting to be as cool as him -- I want to BE him.
    xxoo Josie

  2. He seems like a cool dude!!
    Rianna Bethany xxxx

  3. Amazing photo!! I love the lines of his face and his practical outfit, also how cool is his camera??



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