Monday, April 26, 2010

Head On

The day has almost come to a close, but I couldn't help but squeeze in a little tidbit of fashion. Let me just say, a day on the couch with a major headache gives you a lot of time to fall in love with random finds online. While the last thing I want right now is something wrapped around my head (besides an ice pack), I know that once I'm back to normal this headband would be just the thing I need when my thick, unruly hair needs a bit of a pick me up and can easily be transformed into boho chic.


  1. I love the turquoise one! I've been all about Free people headbands lately.
    xxoo Josie

  2. OMG that turquoise one!!!!! I think I'm going to buy it...right now :)

    I hope you're feeling better love!



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