Monday, April 5, 2010

New Addition(s)

Two new arrivals brought some added fun to this holiday weekend.

In our home, the past month has been all about the anticipation of the iPad. The boyfriend was practically dreaming about it every night, and I'm glad that it will no longer be the main topic at the dinner table. As much as the tech talk started to get to me, I've got to say he was right in all the optimism. This gadget has quickly become our new laptop. In the first days, the little iPad and I have bonded over Netflix movies, blog commenting, and various apps.


A delivery from my mom back home reminded me of the days of having an Easter basket. What more could I want than a box filled with candy and cookies to decorate? Oh, she knows me so well.



  1. Exciting! Please keep us posted on the iPad! I really want one but the hubs would rather I wait for 2nd or 3rd generation.

    xx Vivian @

  2. Those cookies look delicious!

    -The Trendy Fashionista

  3. i'm not sure about the whole fascination with the ipad?

    and mmm those cookies do look delish! i really wish my mom baked more. or at all.

  4. wow, I have been hearing a lot about the ipad! sounds pretty cool! xoxo

  5. So exciting! And those cookies are darling.
    xxoo Josie

  6. very cool! love both of those things!!

  7. My brother is the same with the iPad... I'd love one, but I can't justify it quite yet!

    Your easter cookies look delish!

    Chic on the Cheap

  8. oh my gosh... seriously two of the best things combined into one post! the ipad looks amazing. i've been a firm supporter of it ever since i saw the launch video of it... and while i've heard lots of skepticism, i totally think it is incredible. my husband's already got it marked as his top birthday wish gift... but will have to wait until october! oh, the cookies look so lovely too! xx



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